My Name Is Peter

Some Thoughts on Some Things

“It’s late afternoon…time for a moment to relax. The small table holds a bouquet of spring flowers and jasmine tea is steeping in a pot. The fragrances intermingle and send an unusual message into the air…relax and relish the day!”

So read the message inside the very first Timothy Jay Candle I ever had the pleasure of burning. Its fragrance was called “High Tea.” I loved it so much that it began a love affair with Timothy Jay candles that has lasted for many years.

Timothy Jay Candles is a wonderful boutique here in West Hollywood, opened by my dear friend Tim Sullivan. Not only does he sell his own line of the very best fragrance candles in the world, but his private label clientele reads like a who’s who of Hollywood, New York, and beyond. Diana Ross, Sandra Bullock, Ryan Seacrest, The Beverly Hills Hotel, Saks Fifth Avenue, Tiffany, Ritz Carlton Hotels and many, many more all love and use his candles. Many of them have asked him to design unique boxes and even fragrances for them to give away and/or sell.

Why are Tim’s candles so popular? Simple. They are the best! Tim uses a proprietary blend of waxes along with the very best fragrances that have been painstakingly designed by him. Each candles is poured by hand, cleaned by hand, and carefully packaged by hand by Tim and an expert team of artisans.  Believe it or not, Tim and his team turn out tens of thousands of candles every year.

Timothy Jay has become not only an institution, but a true example of a successful small business that will always give back to the community in which it thrives. Even through the toughest of times, Tim has always been there to give jobs to those who have needed them. Because of his kind spirit, his shop has become a community center of sorts, bringing all kinds of people together – from established celebrities to young people eager to make their mark on the world. People meet there everyday to hang out, to talk, to have a cup of coffee, and to get busy tying ribbons on candle boxes.

Tim recently rolled out the e-commerce section of his website, enabling people from around the world to buy his candles online. Please take a look, and buy a couple of candles for you and your loved ones. They are amazing, and I guarantee you will order again and again.

My personal favorites: Pacific Grapefruit, Wildflowers, Perfect Gardenia, and of course, High Tea.

Meet Tim below and see how his candles are poured!

Last week, my dog Oliver and I were treated to a session with a dog trainer by the name of Julie Strauss. She was amazing! No other word to describe her, really.

Here’s a little background on Oliver the dog. He’s a purebred cocker spaniel I adopted in January. He is the sweetest guy in the world. There are really only three things he wants to do: cuddle, slobber, and play fetch. But in order to let guests and other innocent bystanders know that he wants to do those things, he jumps on them. Incessantly. When it’s just he and I, he’s a dream, but throw someone else into the mix, and Oliver must tell his new buddy how happy he is to make his or her acquaintance.

And so, I finally relented and agreed to have Julie come over to my place to give Oliver a lesson. To be honest I wasn’t really expecting much. I mean, if I as a filmmaker and TV producer couldn’t teach a dog to sit, how was a professional dog trainer going to do any better? Yes, these are, in fact, the thoughts that go through my mind daily. But I digress.

Anyway, Julie walked into my apartment, observed Oliver, and then went to work. She looked down at him as he ran around jumping up and down on her and the furniture, tail flying back and forth like a humming bird wing, and slobber flying everywhere. Finally, she stood upright, held her hand out like a crossing guard and said calmly and firmly, “Oliver.”

He stopped, sat down immediately, and looked at her, like, “Yes, Miss Julie!” It was as if she had an instant psychic connection with him. His eyes did not waver from hers, and he listened to every word she said with the fixed attention of a tween at a Jonas Brothers concert. It was uncanny.

She worked with Oliver and I, and in less than two hours, she had us both trained!  Him not to jump on people, not to jump on the furniture unless invited, and, my personal favorite, to sit and stay in the same position until told to “release.”  And me to be the leader of our pack of two.

Today, he is a different dog. All the same sweetness and enthusiasm without the crazy kamikaze attacks! Thank you, Julie :)